Saturday, September 6, 2008

A great start to my college experience

So far the past two weeks have been pretty exciting. It started out last Wednesday when I was elected for Freshman Representative in President's Leadership Class. Also, now that I am an officer, I get the opportunity to go to a Leadership Convention in Tulsa with some other people from the class. I am really looking forward to it, and hope it will be as much fun as the ones I went to in high school.

Classes haven't been going to badly, atleast not yet. This semester I am enrolled in Speech, Intro to Psychology, Nutrition, PLC, Dosage Calculations, and Anatomy and Physiology. I have yet to have a test, which means here in the next couple weeks I will probably have a ton of them! My goal is to apply to the nursing program in the spring and be admitted next fall, so I am really trying to do well in all of my classes so that I won't have any problems getting in.

Despite the bad weather it has been a pretty fun week. I took advantage of the $1 bowling on Wednesday and had a lot of fun, even though I didn't do so well! There was a lot of RSU students there, and I was surprised that I hadn't heard about it before this week! Then, on Thursday we ventured over to Oolagah High School and watched the Oolagah vs. Claremore football game. The snocones, although were not nearly as good as Josh's Sno Shacks, made the night all the more amazing, and the ride home put the icing on the cake... we'll just say I partially lost my voice that night! haha.. Claremore won, which some of my friends graduated from Oolagah, so it was kind of a bummer, but we still had a good time.

This week it was kind of raining and my advice to everyone is make sure you have a steardy umbrella, mine fell apart the first time I used it! That was not a good day! It's starting to get cool, but hopefully we will still have a little time to spend at the volleyball court and possibly the pool before it gets too cold.

1 comment:

  1. haha the ride back we could have died! Thanks almost killed us. And yeah I don't know how you had any sort of a voice left after screaming so much. Bring on the next football game!!
