Well the lull in activities did not last for long. It has been crazy crazy crazy around here and I'm just trying to keep my brain straight!! haha.. I have lots of pictures to share about everything that has been going on!
First, we had our annual RSU's Got Talent. It was awesome! If you didn't go you truly missed out!! We had some amazing acts like a jam skater, a chinese yo-yoer and lots of singing and instruments. Not to mention you missed out seeing Chad McMains run in without his pants on.. he's so silly! We definitely all had a good time, not only that night but also all the preparation to get there!
Finally came SPRING BREAK!! This could be up for competeing in my most favoritest weeks ever! On Saturday Kaleb, Chad, Kelsey, and I all went out to Oolagah lake and camped out for two nights. I was so much fun and so relaxing not having to worry about anything except keeping our fire going! :)
Sorry this picture is blurry it was us setting up the ginormous tent, but it was dark and hard to get a good picture with my camera.
This was right down below our camp site.. isn't it beautiful!! mmm I wanna go back! haha..
After we went camping we came back and started work on the PLC centennial float, which looked amazing! More pictures coming soon!! We didn't have much help, but we definitely got a ton done this day. Holly and Cheyenne pomped away while I ran errands and Kaleb did the wood work!
This was the progress of the BIG float. It amazing to see the stages of it going up, because it doesn't look too promising now.. but again just wait cause by the end it looks amazing!!
This was our competition float.. Criminal Justice and their jail.
Then, on Wednesday I hit the road again and went to Kansas City, MO to watch the very sad basketball tournament. I felt so bad for those boys! They all worked so hard, but they did great all season long!
This was the Marriot hotel across the street from the auditorium where the game was and it was all lite up and it danced! It was very cool I wish I could figure out how to upload the video to show how cool it actually was! haha..
The next day we went to the College Basketball Experience, which is like a big basketball museum. You walk in and this is what it looked like... it made you feel like a movie star! haha
My feet are almost as big as Shaq's right?? hahaha...
The following day we went to a Chocolate Factory, which I thought was gonna be a little bigger than it was, but it was still very neat to watch them make the fudge! Plus we got a ton of free candy out of the whole ordeal and got a discount on anything else we wanted so it was definitely worth it!!!
All in all I had a great time on Spring Break. The next week was the centennial week and like I said there will be another post up here soon about that. It's weird that its getting so close to the end of the semester. Time is just flying by!! I cant wait for summer to get here! Post again very soon!!
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