Well last semester ended well. I will update you on the activities that occurred. PLC had our Christmas party and it was hilarious. We had a gift exchange and I got a box of mac and cheese filled with rice and chopsticks... thanks Chad! haha... We also saw the dedication of the clock which was pretty awesome to say that we were a part of that!

Then, a group of us all went ice skating at the BOK center in Tulsa and of course finished the night off with a lil IHOP. We also had our finals week student activities, most of which I was not able to be at, but I definitely made it to the Midnight Breakfast! Yumm Yumm... and the rest of the week was spent staying up late spending time with my friends before we all left for the break. Over the break I worked alot so I wasn't able to do too much exciting, but once I was paid i
t was all well worth it. However, I was excited because this year I got to cut down my first real Christmas tree! It was awesome! haha.. Christmas was great I spent it with my family and my cousins from California and Sweden came into town so it was great to see all of them!
Then, after staying up way to late the night before, the next I went with CRU to Ft. Worth for the Winter Conference. It was phenomenal! I went there barely knowing anyone, but I had a
blast and got to know everyone and was definitely very inspired! Plus, like half of our people playing some kind of instrument so we were constantly playing music which was awesome! There were a ton of funny things that happened as well... like 17 people getting stuck on an elevator (as pictured), the crazy irish accent, and broom ball that made the trip absolutely amazing!! I got back in town Monday the 5 and started back to work the next day. Work was pretty busy trying to get all the online classes organized and made so the teachers could work on them but there were some slow times too. haha.

Then on Saturday, me and two of my friends Holly and Laura went to Dallas again to go shopping. OMG it was crazy fun! I found so much stuff for amazing prices and we were constantly making eachother laugh! However I was awake for 22 hours and crashed when I got home and slept away most of the day on Sunday, but it was w
orth it!
Well.. school has now begun and hopefully it wont be too brutal. I'm taking lots of classes, more than usual, so I'm hoping that I will be able to keep up! until next time...
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