Last weekend was Halloween, it wasn't too exciting for me, I wanted to go to the PIKE party, but we didn't have costumes together in time. So instead that evening I went to my boyfriends brothers house to help with the trick or treating. All the kids were so adorable!!!
Saturday I went to a wedding, then watched the Texas vs. Texas Tech game, which was very exciting especially toward the end of it. Then, I had lots of studying to do. My classes this week haven't been too brutal. My Anatomy and Physiology teacher has had jury duty this week, so I did not have that class Monday or Wednesday. I got sick this week with gastritis, not fun and the hospital called me out of school for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. However, I had two tests on Thursday so I went anyways, but I don't think it was the greatest idea.
This week was also HOMECOMING WEEK!! It started off by a spirit board contest on Monday, where Charity did an amazing job on the PLC board. Then, Tuesday was where each department decorated for a contest and the enrollment office looks so cute! Wednesday was a scavenger hunt, but I was still in Tulsa recovering so I didn't get to participate, then that evening PLC and Honors took a field trip to Stillwater to watch the basketball game, and sadly enough I couldn't make that either because I wasn't back in time. We also sadly did not win! :( Then, today was the shopping cart parade, where different clubs would decorate shopping carts and roll them through the campus. Tomorrow is the bonfire and The Plumbers will be performing also. Then, Saturday we are participating in Destination RSU, then PLC is having an Egg Bash at the tailgate party and there will also be a car bash so I hear. I'm very excited for all the events and also going to the game!
There will be a lot going on and we hope lots of people can come out and have a great time with us!
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