Thursday, February 26, 2009

As the semester has had a little bit of a lull in activities I have been busy busy busy with homework. Of course there is the usual hanging out with friends and things that have kept me busy also, but classes seem to not be as much of a breeze as they have been in the past. :(

Lets see... Valentines day was spent with two of my friends Kaleb and Laura. We went to the Wild Fork and had a very nice dinner. It was lots of fun! Then, I believe the next big thing that happened was the BIG GAME... RSU vs. OBU!!! It was awesome! The game was sold out and everyone was whited out.. except me! :( I got there at 6:00 and they were all out of small and medium and youth large shirts, so I didn't get one! oh well.... Then in the girls game my friends boyfriend went out and competed to get $30 at Wings To Go and won by doing the chicken dance! It was hilarious! haha... I tried to upload the video, but it wouldn't let me! Then, the half time of the boys game was the final competition for the half court shot for the scholarship and my friend Matt shot, however he didn't win. I can't remember the name of the guy that won. However, the boys won so it was an amazing night!

We went to the casino on Thursday also, and since it was ladies night I got my name in the bin and won! I didn't get the big prize but I got $10 and a t-shirt! haha... so that was much of my excitement!

Last weekend was a lot of fun, Friday was PLC interviews! It was cool to see who we might get next year and play games with all of them! I was at the fun table in interviews so I got to ask them fun questions like "if you were an animal what would you be??" Our table was cracking up laughing through most of the interviews!

Then, following interviews a group of us headed to Tulsa to go to Winterjam only to find out that by the time we got there it was sold out! It kinda stunk, but I think all of us were so tired it worked out pretty well that we could all go home and go to bed! Then, Sunday was my friend Matt's birthday, so on Saturday a bunch of people decorated his room and I made him an ice cream cake and another cake and surprised him!

Monday and Tuesday night of this week has been RSU's GOT TALENT TRYOUTS from 5-9, which was a little disappointing because we didn't have many people audition, but I still think it will be a great show! So that is mainly what we have been working really hard on in PLC, and also the Centennial Float for the parade on the 25th!

Well I'm bummed that I dont any pictures right now for this post, I'm waiting for my friends to upload them and I've procrastinated as long as I can so hopefully I'll be able to add some in later... Have a good week!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm BACK!!

I'm so sorry it has taken me forever to update you on my exciting life. So much has been happening and I have barely had time to think. But no worries I have lots of pictures this time!
So, we will start off with GAME NIGHT! PLC held our first game night and I think it went pretty well all things considered. We ended up having it in the 2nd floor study room at the dorms, which is pretty small, but it worked out just fine and we had lots of treats to eat! lol We played apples to apples and Hoopla!

Lots of fun!! Then, there came the SNOW DAYS!!! No school for two and a half days was wonderful! We played games, such as board games and twister!!

Then, Kaleb was playing so intensely that he held his hand in one spot for too long and his hand got stuck that way!! As pictured above! haha Then, Matt was bored because he wasn't playing and decided to put on Holly's rainboots. He was cute!
After that was win the real fun came, if you call it that. We went sledding. It was so much fun especially that first day when it was all ice and you would slide for forever. But heres one bad thing that happened. Our group decided it would be so much fun to go down the hill on Bluestarr. We had to sleds and Matt and Gunther were on one and Laura and I were on the other. The boys were supposed to go first, but then they chickened out. Not knowing what we were getting ourselves into, Laura and I decide to go so we start flying down the hill probably going a good 15 mph if not more and start getting close to the curb. We push off until it gets to a turn in to a road and we cant push off so we crash so hard into the curb and we both fly into the air (Everyone said it was about 3 ft of air) and my tailbone was injured, injured bad! Laura couldn't walk because her leg was hurt so bad, so the guys decide to carry her, well then they drop her! haha.. About a week later we both recovered but it was not a fun way to spend the snow break! So the next night that everyone went sledding I just took pictures.

Everyone decided it would be really cool to link arms in a straight line and go down all together. Well I'll just say it was really funny to watch! haha..Then, it was back to business and back to school on Thursday! :( Next came Sunday the 1st AKA Super Bowl Night. We went to Lanaye's house to watch the game and it was a lot of fun! Holly's boyfriend, Aaron made this dip tray that was amazing, it looked like a football field with cheese dip as one endzone and salsa as the other, then a ton of guacamole as the playing field. It looked really good!Lots of fun was had, and no worries you can see that we had our 3D glasses to watch the commercials that you could barely tell were 3D!
The next day FEBRUARY 2 was my BIRTHDAY!! The ladies I work for were so sweet and got me a cookie cake! I loved it, and it was the only cake I got for my birthday! However, last week we were very busy trying to get all organized so we only got to enjoy it for a little while!

The rest of the week was mostly filled with homework, work, and classes. Then Friday I went and saw the movie Fireproof at the First Baptist Church downtown. It was a really good movie, it even made me cry! Then, Saturday we woke up bright and early at 8 o'clock and did community service around Claremore.

We got atleast 10 bags of trash cleaned up and we got a bunch of flyers passed out to local businesses for a restaurant opening. With all that done, Holly and I decided we needed to play a little, so we had some fun on the playground!

Well that made for an exciting couple of weeks!! I'm sure there will be much more later!