I have had a ton of things going on lately, which is why it has taken me so long to post. Last week I took my test and I did alright on it, I just hope the rest of the semester in my classes stay as smooth as they have been going so far.
Last Thursday was movie night at the boys' dorm room. We watched Strangers and it was soo scary, not to mention it was a true story! Then Friday night PLC had a booth at the Kiddie Carnival, we all got to dress up and see all the cute kids walk around! And yay.. I have pictures!

Then, later that even we went to eat McDonalds, which I hadn't had in FOREVER! Then, we went down the Trail of Terror. It would have been scary, but all of us were singing and yelling the whole time! haha... Then, Laura, Hope, Holly, and I went and terrorized the boys dorm. We mixed all their shoes up and then went and tagged Kaleb and Chad cars! Oh goodness it never gets old...
Saturday morning I woke up at like 7 A.M. for the Tulsa Run. It was freezing and wayy too early, luckily I was only doing the 2K, and we practically ran the whole way! haha.. After that we went to the Riverwalk for the BBQ festival tasting. It was amazing.. all the BBQ you can eat for $10! That evening I came back to Claremore to see David Boren, the President of OU, and hear him speak about the book of his that I read, "A Letter to America," he seemed really nice and brought up some very important points for our nation. Then, I went and saw Frankenstein and was so confused! I guess the only experience with Frankenstien I have had is seeing pictures, not actually knowing the story. It was still a great performance.
Yesterday I learned how to play Ultimate Frisbee... It's so much fun except I kept getting hurt :(
Next week is Homecoming Week... I can't wait!